Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

44 days left

Well Lads,

I just feel like writing in English today, i know my english is not perfect blah blah, but i honestly dont care.

The last 2 or 3 weeks were different. Thats the nicest way to say it to be honest. It was horrible weather as usual, but we had a really big storm. We had 1 or 2 days no electricity and we had to go  to the toilet with a candle and it took ages to cook dinner on the fire.But we played this Game in front of the fire with my 2 hostsisters my hostmum&dad and i almost wet myself laughing. It was a really good experience and it was shocking how dependent we are and how many things we cant do without electricity. We hadnt Wi-Fi for another 2 weeks, till today and I kinda enjoyed it to be without Facebook etc.

I am still really really happy, because I met so many lovely people here and I know that I´ll see my family and friends again, and I really appreciate them more now.
I just realized that i have only 44 days left and thats such a short time.

We had 1 week midterm break and i didnt do anything except for visting cork with 2 other exchange students and i have to make a confession because I got an Helix (for everyone who doesnt know what that is: it is a piercing at the top of the ear). I always wanted one and I was in a good mood and really spontaneous so i just thought im brave and get it done :)

Im a bit worried about getting everything home because i bought a few things here and Air Lingus and British Airways are a bit strict..

I should do my homework and i should study for the English test tomorrow, but I am way too lazy and I think everyone knows how hard it is to turn off the Computer and do stuff you have to do.
I think I said in an earlier Post that i wanted to post my Report for my Winterexams: Here it is:

And I love this cat and I´ll really miss him when I come back to Germany.

 Thats my Helix and I love it! I´ll buy a ring in a few weeks time, but it has to heal properly and this one is better for the first weeks:

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